Remember to savor your life's cupcakes!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

visions of families danced through my head

I started indexing on Family Search this weekend. It is my new passion.
I find it interesting how I am able to read all sorts of names in all sorts of handwriting. Sometimes, not at first, but i close my eyes, open them, and then I "see" the name. It is like a mini-miracle.

After 2 days of indexing, last night I really did dream of families...and they did seem to be dancing. I woke up happy.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Great Christmas Read

Paper Bag Christmas by Kevin Alan Milne
We read this book as a family last year. When we got to the end, I started to cry, so my husband took over, he started to cry, so my then 17 year old son tried, and failed. No one could finish without tearing up. We could barely finish the book.

House Party

So, I learned of this site called House Party, where manufacturers of products are looking for people to host a party using their stuff. So last month I signed up for an EA sports Active 2 party and got selected! I was so excited. Anyway, a few weeks later I received a package in the mail with the game and some party favors. I planned the party, invited a few friends, and waited for the day to arrive. To bide my time while a waited I tried out the game, and I loved it! After each workout I feel like I have been to the gym. My kids love to work out with it too! Anyway-check out house party if you love to host parties and try new things...Check out EA sports game if you are looking for a fun new way to exercise. (I have a few coupons left for $30 off the game...expire on 12/19...if you think you might want one, let me know!)

towels were needed!

prizes wrapped in EA paper

Even she got a work out!