Remember to savor your life's cupcakes!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Happy Birthday Abby!

My baby turned 11. She shares her birthday with 2 incredible men...her Uncle David and her Grandpa Hixon...

It's time to re-visit that old classic (that makes me think of my dad)
"The Men in My Little Girl's Life"
It seems like only yesterday
When I heard my little girl say
"Daddy, there's a boy outside
His name is Rod. He wants to play in our backyard.
Can he Daddy? Oh Please Daddy?

Is it really so long ago, she'd come to me and want to know...
"Dad, there's a boy outside, His name is Lee
He wants to carry my books for me. 
Can he Daddy? Is it alright dad?
He's got freckles.

Then came pony tails and jeans 
And my little girl was in her teens...
"Popsie, there's a boy outside...
His name is Tom. he wants to take me to the prom.
OK Popsie? He's cute Popsie. We'll be home early.

Before I knew it, time had flown. And how my little one had grown.
Now it was, "Father, there's a boy outside. His name is Eddie. 
He wants to know if we can go steady. 
Can we Father? Can we borrow the car Father?

Yes, it seems like only yesterday, I heard my lovely daughter say,
"Dad, there's a boy outside. His name is Jim.
He asked me if I'd marry him. 
I said Yes, Dad.
Got something in your eye Dad? I love him Dad.

A child. An Adolescent. A young lady. A wife.
And oh, yes. There's another man in my little girl's life.
"Hi Dad. There's a boy outside. His name is Tim.
I told him Grandpa was going to babysit him.
Thanks Dad. Bless You Dad. Good Night Dad.

Happy Birthday to Abby, David and Dad!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Prophet said to plant a garden...

Burpee's Tomatoes
I love planting and tending a garden. (Except when I find caterpillar things in there.)

Whenever I am in the garden weeding, watering or harvesting, my mind always turns heavenward.

I have discovered the the more time I spend in the garden, the easier it is to differentiate between young plants and weeds. At first glance, the weeds can appear as young plants. But as I spend time in the garden I learn what the plant is supposed to look like and I learn to recognize what the weeds look like.  I often find myself likening weeds to sins or bad habits.

I think about how the weeds, if not pulled, will take over my garden and hinder my plants growth. It makes me think of examining my own life on a regular basis looking for weeds that might be growing there. If I neglect my garden for a few days, the weeds can really take over and the task of pulling them can seem daunting.

I think about my kids, and how if some bad habits go unrecognized by me, their growth can be hindered. I often wonder if I am spending enough time with my kids. Do I recognize the weeds in their lives?

I have learned that the longer the weed is left in my garden, the deeper and bigger the root grows. It becomes harder it is to pull out. The earlier I can pluck theses offensive things out of my fertile soil, the easier it is.

I think about the things that are needed to help things grow. Soil, sunlight, water. I think about the importance of daily prayer and scripture study.

As I plant the small seed, I recognize that I am exhibiting faith that something will grow. I have faith that the person who put the seed in the packet knew what kind of seed it was. I have faith that nature will do it's thing and help my plant to grow. I think about how great it is that from a small seed, beautiful things can grow. And so it is with faith.

I think about reaping my harvest. It takes a lot of work to prepare, plant and tend for a garden. The rewards don't always come immediately. But in due time, the rewards will some. Just not on my timetable.

My heart is filled with gratitude for a Heavenly Father who as part of His plan for us gave us gardens.